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Choosing Words Correctly

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Comma Quiz

Look for any errors in the use of commas in the following sentences. Some are okay.
Corrections, if needed, and explanations follow the quiz.

1. On display in the National Archives are the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

2. Union Station in Washington, D.C. was completed in 1908, and was the largest train station in the world.

3. In addition to over 130 shops and restaurants Union Station is the hub for Amtrak's headquarters and offices.

4. Its style of architecture set the stage for the construction of the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and the Supreme Court building.

5. Not only are all 50 states represented in the WW II Memorial but also the U.S. territories.

6. There are 56 pillars with wreaths of oak and wheat representing our agricultural and industrial strength.

7. In the middle of the back wall, there are 4,000 stars.

8. Each star represents 100 lives lost in the war that spanned two oceans.

9. The building of the Washington Monument was interrupted for over twenty years, and resumed in 1876.

10. Even though the marble came from the same Maryland quarry the first 150 feet could not be matched when construction resumed.

11. Inside the Washington Monument you may take a "Down The Steps" tour of 898 steps.

12. The "Statue of Freedom" atop the Capital building, stands 19 1/2 feet tall.

13. The "Statue of Freedom" stands taller than the statues of Jefferson and Lincoln.

14. The "Statue of Freedom" stands on a globe encircled by our national motto, "E Pluribus Unum."

15. Ulysses S. Grant's perseverence brought victory, and Lee's surrrender at Appomattox.

16. His troops joked the initials U.S. in his name stood for, "unconditional surrender."

17. The remains of soldiers from three wars are buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington Cemetery in Washington D.C.

18. The soldiers take 21 steps before turning and facing the tomb for 21 seconds.

19. Martha Washington's grandson built the Arlington House and willed it to his daughter.

20. His daughter, Mary, married Robert E. Lee and lived with him in the house for 30 years.

Here are the corrections and explanations:

1. Correct: (sentence is rewritten)
On display in the National Archives are the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
And connects the series; no comma necessary.

2. Correction made:
Union Station in Washington, D.C. was completed in 1908 and was the largest train station in the world.
No comma after 1908 because and is not followed by an independent clause.
Two independent clauses with a coordinate conjunction between them, need a comma before the coordinate conjunction.

3. Correction made:
In addition to over 130 shops and restaurants, Union Station is the hub for Amtrak's headquarters and offices.
A comma is included after restaurants because an introduction and an independent clause need a comma between them.

4. Correct:
Its style of architecture set the stage for the construction of the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and the Supreme Court building.
And connects the series; no comma necessary.

5. Correct:
Not only are all 50 states represented in the WW II Memorial but also the U.S. territories.
Independent and dependent clauses do not require a comma between them.

6. Correct:
There are 56 pillars with wreaths of oak and wheat representing our agricultural and industrial strength.
And is between only two items; not a series.

7. Correction made:
In the middle of the back wall there are 4,000 stars.
No comma because the first words are not an introduction.

8. Correct:
Each star represents 100 lives lost in the war that spanned two oceans.
Don't use commas to set off essential elements of a sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses). That clauses after nouns are always essential.

9. Correction made:
The building of the Washington Monument was interrupted for over twenty years and resumed in 1876.
No comma because and is not followed by an independent clause.

10. Correction made:
Even though the marble came from the same Maryland quarry, the first 150 feet could not be matched when construction resumed.
A comma is included after quarry because an introduction needs a comma after it.

11. Correct:
Inside the Washington Monument you may take a "Down The Steps" tour of 898 steps.
Here, the first words are not an introduction.

12. Correction made:
The "Statue of Freedom" atop the Capital building stands 19 1/2 feet tall.
No comma because the words at the beginning of the sentence are not an introduction.

13. Correct:
The "Statue of Freedom" stands taller than the statues of Jefferson and Lincoln.
And is between two items not three or more.

14. Correction made:
The "Statue of Freedom" stands on a globe encircled by our national motto "E Pluribus Unum."
No comma because a quote is not introduced.
The motto in the sentence gives added information to the basic sentence; moreover, it is not representing someone speaking.

15. Correct:
Ulysses S. Grant's perseverance brought victory, and Lee's surrender at Appomattox.
Two independent clauses with a coordinate conjunction between them

16. Correction made:
His troops joked the initials U.S. in his name stood for "unconditional surrender."
No comma because there is not a direct quote here.

17. Correction made:
The remains of soldiers from three wars are buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C.
A comma is included; it is needed between a city and a state or district.

18. Correct:
The soldiers take 21 steps before turning and facing the tomb for 21 seconds.
This sentence is one complete independent clause. Before is used, here, as a conjunction, but it is not a coordinate conjunction.

19. Correction made:
Martha Washington's grandson built the Arlington House and willed it to his daughter.
No comma between independent and dependent clauses. If he is added after and in this sentence, it would be an independent clause.

20. Correct:
His daughter, Mary, married Robert E. Lee and lived with him in the house for 30 years.
The name, Mary, is nonessential to the meaning of the sentence, and the sentence is okay without it.

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